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2 Minutes to Quiet Your Brain and Feelings after Engaging a Narcissist

quick self care Jun 08, 2023

Feeling discombobulated after being around a narcissist?

Did you know that narcissists actually gain power and strength when you are in states of anxiety?

Yes! You read that right. They actually use your anxiety to disconnect you from the peace of God so that you are more vulnerable to them emotionally manipulating you.

But you don't have to be at the mercy of stressful feelings of overwhelm.

Take 2 minutes to quiet your brain and feelings --and return to God's protection and peace.


I'm taking a small group of women on an intimate, virtual healing journey where we simply rest together and let the herbs gently restore and revive ourselves. 

Easy-peasy self care --the first step to healing narcissistic abuse quickly and easily.

Reply to [email protected] with the word HERBS and I'm happy to share more.

Renee V. shared, "I can't believe I actually felt tingles and healing just from laying down with the herbs on my body."

You too can be like Renee and engage this delicious way of healing that takes zero effort.

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