Aiki Healing Blog: A Journey of God-FocusedĀ Healing Tools for Highly Sensitive Women Empaths Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

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A Powerful Partnership Changing the Lives of Women: Aiki Healing and Moore 4 Sisters Ministries: herbal healing qi gong healing Feb 09, 2024

Aiki Healing and Moore 4 Sisters Ministries Join Forces with a Ground-Breaking Holistic Healing Scholarship program to Help Black Women Heal the Devastating Damage of Narcissistic Abuse in Faith-Based communities.

Manor, TX — [Feb. 9, 2024] — In an unprecedented collaboration, Moore 4...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minutes to Calm Your Brain after Engaging a Narcissist
5 Minutes to Calm Your Brain after Engaging a Narcissist guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing Aug 04, 2023

Kay, "My brain feels scrambled! It's so noisy." 

Try this 5 minute reset to calm your brain and return to God's peace with energy healing for narcissistic abuse recovery.

When we are around people that are energy drainers, we not only get exhausted but our brains go into overdrive trying to...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minutes to Recharge Spiritual Exhaustion Caused by Narcissists.
5 Minutes to Recharge Spiritual Exhaustion Caused by Narcissists. audio healing guided meditation herbal healing Aug 03, 2023

God-Focused Energy Healing for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Our spirits get so weary when we encounter energy vampires that are narcissists. It can disconnect us from God and our spiritual purpose. Take 5 minutes to recharge yourself spiritually and break free from narcissistic wounds.

Welcome to...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minute Reset to Heal Empathic Exhaustion
5 Minute Reset to Heal Empathic Exhaustion audio healing guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing Jul 31, 2023

Welcome to Get your Mojo back. Quick resets to help empathic women heal narcissistic abuse. I'm Kay Hutchinson of Aiki Healing. In today's healing, we're going to help you to overcome that sense of exhaustion, that sense of being emptied out and drained after engaging someone who may be...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minute Spiritual & Emotional Nourishment that Heals Narcissistic Abuse
5 Minute Spiritual & Emotional Nourishment that Heals Narcissistic Abuse audio healing guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing Jul 27, 2023

You Don't Have to Feel Spiritually & Emotionally Malnourished as an Empathic Women

Welcome everybody.

Welcome to Get Your Mojo Back: Quick Resest to Help Empathic Women Heal Narcissistic Abuse.

I'm Kay Hutchinson of Aiki Healing.

In today's healing, we're going to gently work on a five minute...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Listen to Your Gut: Quick Healing to Soothe Narc Attacks
Listen to Your Gut: Quick Healing to Soothe Narc Attacks anxiety relief herbal healing quick self care Apr 18, 2023

Do you ever feel your  stomach upset or acid reflux after you have engaged a narcissist?

Ugh--we all get that unsettling, discombobulated feeling.

Here's how you can reset yourself when that happens.

Grab a cup of your favorite meat stock  or even a cup of warm tea and listen...

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Boost Energy & Calm Emotions in 8 Minutes with Qi Gong Breathing herbal healing qi gong healing quick self care Nov 10, 2022

We get so drained everyday as empaths.

We do so much for others that we forget to take care of ourselves.

Take 8 minutes to bring a higher level of energy into your bodies and get control over your emotions.

Click on the audio healing above and sink into bliss.

Then, let me know by sending a...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Fool Proof Tactics to Get Empaths Quickly Centered
Fool Proof Tactics to Get Empaths Quickly Centered guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing quick self care Oct 20, 2022

You don't have to suffer with overwhelm as a sensitive woman in the world.

It might surprise you to know that it only takes 8 minutes to begin shifting that chaotic sense of overwhelm to a relaxed and empowered state of feeling like your sensitive nature is truly your greatest gift.

Click on the...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Herbal Qi Gong Healing Guaranteed to Give You More Energy, Calmness and Less Emotional Intensity
Herbal Qi Gong Healing Guaranteed to Give You More Energy, Calmness and Less Emotional Intensity guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing quick self care Oct 18, 2022

What's your greatest challenge as an empath who has experienced narcissistic attacks at some point in the life?

The three most common answers I hear my clients and community members share are:

  • I feel emptied out as if my world has gone gray.
  • I can't turn off the intensity of my feelings.
  • I don't...
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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
How to Permanently Stop the Loneliness of Being an Empath Even if You've Tried Everything
How to Permanently Stop the Loneliness of Being an Empath Even if You've Tried Everything audio healing guided meditation herbal healing Oct 04, 2022

One of the challenging parts of being an empath, is that inevitable sense of isolation and loneliness that can arise when we are feeling the emotions of others so strongly.

We often think, "I can't be the only one who feels these overwhelming waves of feeling, can I?" 

You're right. You're...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Fool Proof Tactics to Get a Quieter, Focused Brain
Fool Proof Tactics to Get a Quieter, Focused Brain anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing Jul 19, 2022

I feel discombobulated! 

Do you feel scattered and overwhelmed at times? Is life throwing way too many challenges at you, one right after the other?

Is your brain and mind a noisy place that gives you no rest?

You are not alone.

Listen to the 9 minute reset, then try these two simple...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Reduce Anxiety & Fatigue with the Natural "Xanax"
Reduce Anxiety & Fatigue with the Natural "Xanax" anxiety relief audio healing herbal healing qi gong healing Jul 04, 2022


Is there a Narcissistic Energy Vampire Feeding on You?

As empaths, we encounter narcissistic people frequently as they are everywhere.

But is there a narcissistic vampire in your inner circle that is feeding on your energy and light and exhausting you or adding to your tendency to feel...

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