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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Herbal Qi Gong Healing Guaranteed to Give You More Energy, Calmness and Less Emotional Intensity

Herbal Qi Gong Healing Guaranteed to Give You More Energy, Calmness and Less Emotional Intensity

guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing quick self care Oct 18, 2022

What's your greatest challenge as an empath who has experienced narcissistic attacks at some point in the life?

The three most common answers I hear my clients and community members share are:

  • I feel emptied out as if my world has gone gray.
  • I can't turn off the intensity of my feelings.
  • I don't have boundaries--I keep getting drawn back into the toxicity of narcissistic people.

Sound familiar? It does to me because I lived with the perpetual state of exhaustion, anxiety and sadness that came with the heaviness of dealing with a partner who was narcissistic and clients who also had a similar energy.

But guess what? You don't have to suffer the way I did for years.

You can reset yourself quickly to realign with God's frequency to bring back color to your world, calm those discombobulated feelings, and tap into your sensitivity and use it like a shield.

Take  6 minutes to listen to the reset above to start feeling better.
Then take the next powerful step and register for the Get Your Mojo back herbal healing journey to experience even deeper peace and restoration.  Email me the word HERBS and I'll help you get registered for the next virtual session.  [email protected]


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