Aiki Healing Blog: A Journey of God-FocusedĀ Healing Tools for Highly Sensitive Women Empaths Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

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This One False Belief Could be Preventing You From Healing Your Exhaustion and Poor Health anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation Jul 27, 2024
You don't have to keep struggling with the physical illness, exhaustion, anxiety and the soul gutted sensation that are hallmarks of the impact of narcissistic abuse.

We often mistakenly think that recovering ourselves means years of therapy, medications, and hours of yoga classes.

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Cleanse the Negative Energy of Emotional Vampires from your Aura guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Jan 06, 2024

I call it aura cleansing but call it anything you like.

Just like bathing, we need to engage energetic hygiene to let go of the emotions and toxic energies of other people.

Engaging in cleansing energy practices with medical qi gong can be crucial for individuals who have experienced narcissistic...

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Heal from Narcissistic Damage: 5 Minutes to Access God's Courage anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation Oct 12, 2023

Welcome to Get Your Mojo Back, Quick Resets to Help Empath Women Heal Narcissistic Abuse.

Allow yourself to pick a posture as we go through healing the energy of fears. Often times, when we are really exhausted from the damage that comes from engaging narcissistic people, our level of fears will...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minutes to Calm Your Brain after Engaging a Narcissist
5 Minutes to Calm Your Brain after Engaging a Narcissist guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing Aug 04, 2023

Kay, "My brain feels scrambled! It's so noisy." 

Try this 5 minute reset to calm your brain and return to God's peace with energy healing for narcissistic abuse recovery.

When we are around people that are energy drainers, we not only get exhausted but our brains go into overdrive trying to...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minutes to Recharge Spiritual Exhaustion Caused by Narcissists.
5 Minutes to Recharge Spiritual Exhaustion Caused by Narcissists. audio healing guided meditation herbal healing Aug 03, 2023

God-Focused Energy Healing for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Our spirits get so weary when we encounter energy vampires that are narcissists. It can disconnect us from God and our spiritual purpose. Take 5 minutes to recharge yourself spiritually and break free from narcissistic wounds.

Welcome to...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minute Reset to Heal Empathic Exhaustion
5 Minute Reset to Heal Empathic Exhaustion audio healing guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing Jul 31, 2023

Welcome to Get your Mojo back. Quick resets to help empathic women heal narcissistic abuse. I'm Kay Hutchinson of Aiki Healing. In today's healing, we're going to help you to overcome that sense of exhaustion, that sense of being emptied out and drained after engaging someone who may be...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minute Spiritual & Emotional Nourishment that Heals Narcissistic Abuse
5 Minute Spiritual & Emotional Nourishment that Heals Narcissistic Abuse audio healing guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing Jul 27, 2023

You Don't Have to Feel Spiritually & Emotionally Malnourished as an Empathic Women

Welcome everybody.

Welcome to Get Your Mojo Back: Quick Resest to Help Empathic Women Heal Narcissistic Abuse.

I'm Kay Hutchinson of Aiki Healing.

In today's healing, we're going to gently work on a five minute...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minute Reset to Instantly Calm Anxiety after Engaging a Narcissist
5 Minute Reset to Instantly Calm Anxiety after Engaging a Narcissist audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Jul 25, 2023

Enjoy this transcript of the podcast.

Welcome everybody.

This is Kay Hutchinson with Aiki Healing for the Get Your Mojo Back. Quick resets to help heal narcissistic abuse. So sit back and relax. Allow yourself to just gently find a posture that allows your body to gently untwine.

As you come in...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Five Minute Easy Way to Shield and Quiet Your Nervous System
Five Minute Easy Way to Shield and Quiet Your Nervous System audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Apr 27, 2023

This reset can help you prepare to be around people or to cleanse after you have experienced the energy of others.

It can also help you to boost you immunity and calm the nervous system when you are exposed to pathogens like viruses.

Try this easy way to reset your nervous system and create a...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
God-Focused Qi Gong Reset for Empathic Women
God-Focused Qi Gong Reset for Empathic Women audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Jan 31, 2023

Use this reset daily this week to restore yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or anxious especially after engaging toxic people like narcissists.

Each time you use it, come into wit ith a newness for you will hear something slightly different in God's vibration each time that is...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Reconnect to God as a Way of Reducing Anxiety
Reconnect to God as a Way of Reducing Anxiety guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Jan 27, 2023

It doesn't take long to stop the spinning thoughts, exhaustion and overwhelm.

You only need 3 minutes.

Consciously cultivate God's serenity as a way of getting control of your emotions and giving yourself more energy.

What's standing in your way of taking 3 minutes for yourself?

I'd love to know...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Bite Sized Reset to Help Cut Cords to Toxic People
Bite Sized Reset to Help Cut Cords to Toxic People guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Jan 06, 2023

Are you feeling tired after the holidays?

You want to soar into the new year and the goals you've set but just feel exhausted?

It could be that you have toxic people in the life that are draining your energy.

This year, it is especially important to let go of the cords to toxic people who:

  • Take...
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