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4 Minute Qi Gong Liver Detox & Release of Irritability

qi gong healing Apr 02, 2022

 This is your time over the weekend to quickly detoxify with this gentle 4 minute set of qi gong self massage. 

Try it and let me know what you experienced at [email protected]

Ladies in the Get Your Mojo cohort: your replay is live including a most delicious recipe for roasted beet salad.

Enjoy the audio healing resets based on Philllipians and Jeremiah that reconnect your heart to the peace of God.

It's such a pleasure to watch you ladies bloom in new ways--creating calmer flows and more vibrant health. 

It's wonderful to hear how some of your spouses are noticing how much more grounded and energized you are.

Our one-on-one checkins are priceless and it is such an honor to serve you with deep ways to enhance your health. Thank you for trusting me to take this journey--and many thanks to Sheri and Greg Smyth who generously donate their guest room for me to broadcast with their zippy wifi so that you all can experience smooth high vibration music and my energy transmissions without freezes.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone and have a smooth upcoming week.

Light and love,


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