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Heal Grief & Align with the Higher Frequency of God

audio healing guided meditation Mar 27, 2022

It's okay to feel the sadness that may come from your own journey or the sadness you sense in others. 

The key is to use that sadness as inspiration to tap into the natural protective shielding of God's glory and care of you to decrease the heavier feeling of sadness so that you can have more energy and enjoy life. 

Try this longer 33 minute healing, one of the healings from the live broadcast of the "Get Your Mojo Back" 12 week healing journey. 

We are in week five of the journey and I'm so excited to put the replay up in the portal for all the cohort ladies--and to share at taste of the journey with all of you.

This week, one of our participants shared that when she took a pause from the resets for 3 days because life got busy with house guests, she truly could tell the difference in her level of calmness, grounding and connectivity to God.  As she shared, sometimes you don't know the true value of a healing tool until it's not there--then you realize how different life is --how chaotic it is--when you're not using energy tools to restore yourself each day.

Another participant, Diane, shared that she turned pamper time and getting a manicure into a deeper healing experience of reconnecting with God, by putting "Stop Anxiety and Surrender Your Angst to God," one of the healing tracks from the program, in her earbuds as she indulged in her "me" time. 

I was so proud of her when she shared that because that is exactly what we sensitive women need to do--turn our ordinary pamper activities and also our household and business tasks into opportunities for deeper revival.

So, it's that idea that caretaking yourself by deepening your connection with God doesn't have take extra bandwidth. You can engage self healing and retrain your brain to relax more deeply even as you engage ordinary activities--so that they become truly energizing and reviving activities.

Enjoy and have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

Light and love,


 P.S. Want to experience the deeply reviving audio healings of the Get Your Mojo Back healing journey weekly as you lounge in a bathtub or get a pedicure? 

Comment with the word MOJO and I'll send you information about the next cohort and how you can participate and receive these deep healings.

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