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Empathic and Sensitive Women: Why Self Care Isn't Selfish

anxiety relief qi gong healing quick self care Mar 24, 2022

As a sensitive and empathic woman, you do so much for other people. 

Yet, you have a hard time giving yourself permission to slow down. It's almost as if you don't feel valuable, productive or in control unless you are in motion.

CLICK HERE to take a 10 minute "pamper you" audio break right now.

Taking short breaks to start training yourself to slow down is critical to your well being--and guess what?

It's not selfish to take care of you because you take care of so many. 

When you take care of you,  the abundant well of energy that God promises to each one of us becomes accessible not just for yourself--but for you to share with others.

So take that deeper breath of you--start with this 10 minute energy healing just for you--easy peasy self care that doesn't require any special equipment--just your commitment to care take yourself well.

Will you do it sis? Will you take that breath of you?

Light and love, 


P.S.  Let me know where you are struggling in your daily walk--is it with health challenges, fatigue, or emotional overwhelm? 

Challenged with juggling motherhood and or business tasks and staying aligned with your calmest self or highest healing power?

Need more help with releasing stress and building consistently deeper states of focused mindsets?  

Drop a note to [email protected] and I'm happy to gift you a mini consult to help you develop some strategies to go forward--OR to take trainings that you've already invested in about mindsets, meditations or other areas to new levels by addressing the ENERGY under the struggles you are facing.   

For without addressing the energy behind those patterns, true transformation becomes elusive. You deserve true and deep resolution of the struggles.

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