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Qi Gong Revives Energy for Empathic Women

anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing Mar 19, 2022

Exhausted mid week and slumping?

Click HERE to experience this 8 minute qi gong energy healing and meditation for empathic women.

Claim God's blessings through this quick reset for it is only when we calm ourselves and still our brains that we can truly appreciate and receive the full glory of God.  As always, let me know what is standing out for you as success in the way you are moving this week?

What's challenging you?

Drop me a note at [email protected] and let me know.

I love hearing from you and gifting you these mini consults--for when one of us gets stronger and more aligned with God, all of us do--and  together as empathic women, we will transform the world.

Light and love, 


P.S. When you are ready to finally stop focusing on just mindset strategies or traditional mindfulness practices AND learn how to manage your energy so that you are not ending the day with empty tanks and overwhelmed emotions, here are a few affordable ways to work with me:

Delve into the quiet healing of the Aiki Healing Sound Spa and save $80 while healing yourself with 5 minute session tracks for resetting anxiety, fears, grief, PTSD while also healing the physical body.

 Get a copy of my Kindle-formatted book, "Five Elements Healing" with hands on resets and 25 minutes bonus video of qi gong movements for refueling each energy tank in yourself while calming emotions. 

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