Aiki Healing Blog: A Journey of God-FocusedĀ Healing Tools for Women Empaths Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

Qi Gong Stretch to Connect Deeply with God: Day 7 Challenge for Empaths to Get Closer to God: qi gong healing quick self care Jan 21, 2023

Some days we are warriors, fierce and brave.

Other days we are discombobulated messes

Most days we are a blend of both.

On those days when you are struggling,  notice that your connection to God wavers.

It happens to all of us--even women clergy and church leaders. 

We waiver in our...

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Day 6: 8 Days Challenge to Get Closer to God through Sunrises qi gong healing quick self care Jan 20, 2023

Fun Empath Fact

We have the ability to connect in deeply with God through every molecule of sunshine.

Make it a practice to rise early and watch the sunrise to really feel the power of God grounding and centering you.

Do some simple qi gong breathing while you gaze at the colors.

Exhale long for a...

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Day 5: Relieve Stress & Connect to God Quickly by Engaging Animals quick self care Jan 19, 2023

God provides us with so many ways to reconnect to Him. 

Take a moment to touch a pet what is shelter animal with full presents an alignment with God’s energy. 

Be intentional with your touch focusing on calming and soothing yourself and the animal. 

When you finish give...

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Day 4: Relieve Anxiety with Breath to Reconnect to God anxiety relief quick self care Jan 17, 2023

Relieve anxiety right now. 


when we use our breath to calm our nervous systems, we can immediately access the  magic and mojo that comes from being a child of God. 


Anxiety is the result of having experienced trauma that disconnected us from God’s energy  ...

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Day 3: Let Go of the Past to Make Space for God's Blessings affirmations quick self care Jan 17, 2023
You simply cannot access God’s blessings when you focus on the failures in your past.
We spend a lot of time ruminating on the things that have not gone right in our lives instead of putting our energy into praising God and thanking him for the blessings that are already here and...
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Day 2: 4 Step Practice to Tap into God's Capacity to Manifest Your Dreams as Empathic Women anxiety relief quick self care Jan 16, 2023

You might be surprised to know that empaths can align deeply with God to manifest dreams into reality.

In this 8 day challenge to draw closer to God, try this simple 4 step practice.

‍ Light a beautiful candle.

‍ Imagine the energy of God all around you.

‍ See yourself living one part of...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Bite Sized Reset to Help Cut Cords to Toxic People
Bite Sized Reset to Help Cut Cords to Toxic People guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Jan 06, 2023

Are you feeling tired after the holidays?

You want to soar into the new year and the goals you've set but just feel exhausted?

It could be that you have toxic people in the life that are draining your energy.

This year, it is especially important to let go of the cords to toxic people who:

  • Take...
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Reduce Anxiety in 5 Minutes with a Qi Gong Breath Reset (First Corinthians and Psalm 104) audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Dec 29, 2022

Happy New Year and thank you for taking a pause to invest in you.

Did you know that controlling your emotions quickly is not only possible, but also necessary for a successful 2023?

When our emotions are intense, we lose connection with the peace of God...and our anxieties start to snowball,...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minute Qi Gong Reset: Stop Energy Drains from Narcissists Immediately
5 Minute Qi Gong Reset: Stop Energy Drains from Narcissists Immediately audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Nov 29, 2022

 Quickly Restore Yourself after a Narc Attack

You don't have to let narcissists take away your center, joy, and vibrancy.

Take 5 minutes to realign yourself  to God's frequency to restore your energy and peace.

Then, fill out the form below to join the Aiki Healing FREE gift list...

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Boost Energy & Calm Emotions in 8 Minutes with Qi Gong Breathing herbal healing qi gong healing quick self care Nov 10, 2022

We get so drained everyday as empaths.

We do so much for others that we forget to take care of ourselves.

Take 8 minutes to bring a higher level of energy into your bodies and get control over your emotions.

Click on the audio healing above and sink into bliss.

Then, let me know by sending a...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Two Qi Gong Quick Resets to Turn Exhaustion into Energy Immediately
Two Qi Gong Quick Resets to Turn Exhaustion into Energy Immediately audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Nov 01, 2022

Thank you for visiting the Aiki Healing Blog.

Vote right here to help me move to the next round in the FabOver40 to win funding to help more of you empathic women dial down the overwhelm and make your sensitivities your greatest gifts.

I need daily free votes. Hope votes magnify your voting power...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Fool Proof Tactics to Get Empaths Quickly Centered
Fool Proof Tactics to Get Empaths Quickly Centered guided meditation herbal healing qi gong healing quick self care Oct 20, 2022

You don't have to suffer with overwhelm as a sensitive woman in the world.

It might surprise you to know that it only takes 8 minutes to begin shifting that chaotic sense of overwhelm to a relaxed and empowered state of feeling like your sensitive nature is truly your greatest gift.

Click on the...

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