Aiki Healing Blog: A Journey of God-FocusedĀ Healing Tools for Women Empaths Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Reduce Anxiety & Fatigue with the Natural "Xanax"
Reduce Anxiety & Fatigue with the Natural "Xanax" anxiety relief audio healing herbal healing qi gong healing Jul 04, 2022


Is there a Narcissistic Energy Vampire Feeding on You?

As empaths, we encounter narcissistic people frequently as they are everywhere.

But is there a narcissistic vampire in your inner circle that is feeding on your energy and light and exhausting you or adding to your tendency to feel...

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Relieve Stress, Anxiety & Reconnect to the Lord anxiety relief qi gong healing quick self care Jun 19, 2022

This beautiful prayerful movement seated practice will help you to immediately:

  • Relieve anxiety.
  • Calm stress and overwhelm.
  • Reconnect to the peace of God
  • Get your mojo back.

On this beautiful Sunday, take time to engage this practice in 5 -6 minute increments as you move through the day so that...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Healing through Vulnerable Moments: Follow Your Deepest Guidance
Healing through Vulnerable Moments: Follow Your Deepest Guidance May 30, 2022

When we are most vulnerable, we can feel unsettled, scattered, ambiguous, hesitant--and this is NORMAL.

Wrap your tribe members around you when this is the case--to help you delve deep inside to see what the source of vulnerability is--often times it is an energy force that is not beneficial to...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
5 Minutes to Clear Brain Fog Easily & Restore Clarity & Higher Energy
5 Minutes to Clear Brain Fog Easily & Restore Clarity & Higher Energy May 15, 2022

You push through your busy week and that feeling of being pulled in many directions and end the week feeling like, "My brain is so fried, I can barely think."

AND you feel heavy and exhausted as if you are in a gray fog. 

Sound familiar?

You don't have to stay in those exhausted states....

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Spring Time Healing for Eye Allergies and other Wood Element Health Challenges
Spring Time Healing for Eye Allergies and other Wood Element Health Challenges anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing Apr 17, 2022

 During the allergy season and spring, we may be more prone to eye irritations and slow recovery of eye procedures.

This gentle healing helps the eyes and the wood element to relax deeply and revive at a cellular level. 

Try it and let me know in the comments how you experienced it--and...

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5 Minutes to Get Focused & Stay the Course on God's Path anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation quick self care Apr 10, 2022

We've all been there. We try new methods for self care and realigning with God, then life happens.

We get overwhelmed. Anxiety increases. We get exhausted and weary as sensitive women.

It all feels like too much.

Then, we drop out of our self care routines and feel even more disconnected,...

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4 Minute Qi Gong Liver Detox & Release of Irritability qi gong healing Apr 02, 2022

 This is your time over the weekend to quickly detoxify with this gentle 4 minute set of qi gong self massage. 

Try it and let me know what you experienced at [email protected]

Ladies in the Get Your Mojo cohort: your replay is live including a most...

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Heal Grief & Align with the Higher Frequency of God audio healing guided meditation Mar 27, 2022

It's okay to feel the sadness that may come from your own journey or the sadness you sense in others. 

The key is to use that sadness as inspiration to tap into the natural protective shielding of God's glory and care of you to decrease the heavier feeling of sadness so that you can have...

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Empathic and Sensitive Women: Why Self Care Isn't Selfish anxiety relief qi gong healing quick self care Mar 24, 2022

As a sensitive and empathic woman, you do so much for other people. 

Yet, you have a hard time giving yourself permission to slow down. It's almost as if you don't feel valuable, productive or in control unless you are in motion.

CLICK HERE to take a 10 minute "pamper you" audio break right...

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Revive Energy with an Qi Gong Audio Healing Featuring Psalm 23 audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing Mar 20, 2022
Celebrate spring with this beautiful healing based on the Psalm 23 as we welcome in the Spring Equinox.
Did you know that qi gong means the training of energy and is more than the gentle mindful movements?
It is the healing energy that qi gong practitioners like myself can emit...
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Qi Gong Revives Energy for Empathic Women anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation qi gong healing Mar 19, 2022

Exhausted mid week and slumping?

Click HERE to experience this 8 minute qi gong energy healing and meditation for empathic women.

Claim God's blessings through this quick reset for it is only when we calm ourselves and still our brains that we can truly appreciate and receive the full glory...

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Amp Up Your Vibes anxiety relief qi gong healing quick self care Mar 14, 2022
Everyday, it's important to do a little bit of energetic work on yourselves to cultivate that higher vibration spiritually and emotionally AND feel that vibration ripple through your cells to transform health.
Click here for a  simple practice to help you amp up your vibes:
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